This is a grouping of very small photos that I have of our grandfather, Fred Foote, when he was probably around 20 or so. (I think Gibby resembled him most as a young man). By all accounts he was a very sweet man and much loved. Ruthy always thought so much of him as a kid, and from stories I've heard, he was very clever - he invented from scrap pieces items that would help others. Ruthy told me about how he consructed a walker from plumbing pipes for an old friend who was lame with some ailment in his legs - this was before walkers were invented. He also was an amazing craftsman, having built the lake house from scratch, and various pieces of furniture that they owned. It would have been nice to have had those things still in our family!
Does anyone see any other characteristics that resemble other family members? I don't, but it would be interesting to hear your thoughts.