Jeanne needs to weigh in on these two, but I believe they were the parents of Sarah Mason who was married to Martin Samuel Coolley, Gramp's parents. It's possible that the picture in the photo previously posted with the farm animals is of Martin and his second wife, Lissy and their daughter, Vera - with Gramp in back beside the horse.
This photo of Cal and Dovie would've been taken around 1850 as Martin was born in 1854. Martin's first wife, Sarah was a Mason. His second wife, Lissy was a Maddy - Sorry, I got that wrong in the first posting.
This photo is of Col Mason and his wife Dovie. Col was the youngere brother of Sarah Elzabeth Mason who is our great grandmother. She married Martin Coolley. Her nickname was Lissy. She died early around 45 and Martin then married Mary Maddy. Martin and Lissy homesteaded in Nebraska in the sod home. they returned to Iowa and lived the remainder of their lives there. Lissy was well loved.
Her brother Col, short for Colfax is the man in this photo. He went west to Montana or Wyoming and was known a a gunfighter or some skill.
Thanks for the clarification! I wondered if these were Sarah's parents - I've got some of the paperwork in Grammie's bible, but it wasn't clear on who they were in relation to Sarah.
Interesting looking guy, don't you think? I can see where Gramp got some of his features. I'm wondering if we have a photo of Lissy somewhere? I'll keep looking.
Kim, you have an original photo of the Coolleys; Martin, Sarah, Homer and Ray. It is on the dresser. Ray is a young boy about 3. That is Sarah (Lissy) in that photo. You will note how much Homer looks like her and how much she looks like her brother Col. She died when Ray was about 10. She was only 44 at her death.
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