I always liked this picture of Dicky. I always assumed it was of he and Eddy Willette, and only just now realize the other boy in the photo is Johnny Snedden. I believe this is their set up at Boy Scout camp - I recognize the platforms they have at these camps having gone through all this with Justin.
Ruthie told a story about Dick and boy scout camp that I enjoyed especially when Justin went away on his first week at camp. Apparently, Dick hadn't been away on his own for more than an overnight when he went to camp the first time. He went with Johnny and the rest of the guys, no problem. Then midway through the week, the parents were invited for a big cookout and to see skits, singing and crafts by the boys. Ruthie remembers that she and Dad drove in and saw Dick hanging with the other guys, doing stuff, having fun - until he saw them drive in. Suddenly, he remembered how homesick he was and his face crumpled. He came over to them at the car and broke down, saying he wanted to go home with them, that he'd had enough. Ruthie said she was ready to pile him in the car and go, but Dad pulled her aside and said to give it some time. They talked to Dick and he told them all the stuff that had gone on - fun stuff mostly, but also some typical kid stuff that made him mad - he was homesick and seeing them made it worse. It was decided that they'd stay for the celebration and cookout and see how he felt when if was time for them to go home.
Close to leaving time, someone's dad drove up with a trunk full of watermelon and all the boys crowded around for the big treat. Ruthie said that Dick was right in the group laughing and having a great time. He was back in the mix and they were all goofing around, and Dad told him at this point they were leaving. They waved goodbye and walked to the car. Dick never mentioned going home with them. It was all forgotten.
Ruthie always admired how Dad handled the situation - not telling Dick he couldn't go home yet, or chastising him - but letting him unload his homesickness and frustration with the guys, and then getting right back into the group. Had they taken him home that night, I imagine he would've had a hard time living it down!
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