Did Dad fly this big plane to New Hampshire? It seems much bigger than the little planes we flew in when I was around. Maybe Ron will remember......
I remember Ruthie telling me that Dick was seriously fussy during this entire trip "east". He was teething at the time - probably molars or eye teeth by the look of his age (which was around 1 year). And no doubt had an ear infection on top of it since they go hand in hand. Poor baby.
One of the reasons I've always liked this photo is knowing the back story of this particular trip, that apparently the only one who seemed to keep Dick soothed was Gramp Foote. According to Ruthie, he could hold Dick for hours, but if anyone else tried to take over he would start crying again. I wonder what it was about Gramp that settled him?
In this picture, as they are about to leave for Iowa, Gramp Foote stands a little back from the group as if to subconsciously prolong his unique bond with his grandson, (and holding the baby as only a man would!) Dick looked ready to spend the entire flight home in tears!
Also of note, this is one of a very few photos we have of Gramp Foote.
Frannie looks like a fashion model - Ruthie always said she was stylish (and check out the dimples!).
And check out Ron's cowboy boots!
I think that this is the plane they flew. It has MERE on the side and at that time Dad was a corporate pilot for Meredith Publishing in Des Moines. Could he have been given a "perk" and allowed to fly the plane on his own time?
It was Meredith's plane, and it required 2 pilots. I don't remember how we got to fly in this plane. Also, note Frank. He too was a good dresser and a stylish guy. Note too Ruthie and Ellen's smiles. Very similar.
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