Wednesday, April 23, 2008

From Gramp's ancestry

Not at all sure who these are in the photo. It seems Jeanne and I decided it was a photo of Gramp's family, but I can't remember if the older boy by the horse is Gramp or his older brother? And the little girl? Jeanne, if you know or can speculate, please feel free to do so.....

It's interesting how they have the family "pets" in the photo as well. Did they feel these animals were part of the family, or a symbols of stature/wealth?


Anonymous said...

This is a photo of Martin Stewart Coolley and his second wife, Mary Maddy Coolley and her daughter, Vera Maddy. the young boy is our grandfather, Ray Coolley. Ray always liked horses and always had a horse for us grandchildren to ride. It was Trigger when we were kids and I loved to round up Trigger and ride the afternoon away. I wouldimagine this photo is of the two drafthorses and Ray's own horse.

Kimberly said...

Doesn't this photo look like something for a newspaper? I wonder why they brought all the animals in, and the numbers at the bottom of the photo indicate it might have been part of a series of shots.

I like Martin's hat on the ground in front of the horses. Seems symbolic somehow, but I bet the photographer told him to "lose the hat" when they took the picture. And doesn't Mary look like she had an attitude?

Anonymous said...

I noticed the hat, too. And yes Mary looks as though she is saying "bring it on". Note how the front half of the house is formal; shutters, molding over the window and finsihed door and then you move to the "rear" of the house. The siding becomes rougher, the door is well used and there is less grass and more dirt clods (cannot be rocks, there are no rocks in Iowa. How did they get the dog to sit still? And why do I think his name was "Shep"? Gramp named all his dogs, Shep!