Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Queen of Queens

The Iowa State Daily 1969 photo of Nancy, Veisha Queen of Queens. That year Nancy also was Big Eight Conference Queen.
Wow. Every so often I'm reminded of just how incredibly beautiful - both inside and out - Nancy is. You aren't voted for these honors without making a positive impact on a huge swath of a young and fickle demographic.

I grew up idolizing Nancy. I was six when she came by to meet the family for the first time and from that moment on was the epitome of everything I wanted to be: lovely through and through, well liked and involved with everything and everyone.

One of Nancy's many attributes is that she really listens and finds something interesting about everyone and everything....and cares. I think we were all in love with Nancy when she first landed at our house with Ron. She may have thought that she was marrying Ron, but really, she married all of us.

 By the way, one sideline I do remember about this particular event when she road in the Veisha Parade is that Dad brought his movie camera to take film of Nancy's ride along the parade route and found out after shooting tons of footage that he had forgotten to load the camera...

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